Thursday, March 31, 2011

Deport only criminals who pose real threat - Chicago Sun-Times

Campus Progress

Deport only criminals who pose real threat
Chicago Sun-Times
Now she faces deportation to Mexico by the end of the year. Ramirez is one of thousands of undocumented immigrants without criminal records caught in the dragnet of the US Department of Homeland Security's controversial “Secure Communities” program, ...
The Economic Impact of Legalization Versus Deportation in ArizonaCampus Progress

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Senate committee passes out House immigration bill - Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)

Senate committee passes out House immigration bill - Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)

Arizona Capitol Times

Senate committee passes out House immigration bill
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
The TEA PARTY is the only true remedy to halt the illegal alien occupation, and would strengthen our laws. Underneath this camouflage of both parties is a kind of shadow government. In a ominous dark corner is the billionaire George Soros and his far ...
Georgia Immigration Enforcement Bill Endorsed by President of Arizona SenateGwinnett Gazette
Immigration bill a work in progressNewnan Times-Herald

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American girl returns home after being deported by US immigration - Visa Bureau

Daily Mail

American girl returns home after being deported by US immigration
Visa Bureau
A 4-year-old American girl has been returned to her family on Long Island, NY after being deported to Guatemala by US immigration officials. Emily Ruiz has been returned to her family after being deported to Guatemala by US immigration officials. ...
Emily Ruiz, 4-year-old American sent to Guatemala by US immigration, reunited ...New York Daily News
Girl returns to U.S. after erroneous deportationFox News
NY girl in middle of immigration row returns to USThe Associated Press
NBC New York -WSBT-TV -ColorLines magazine
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Federal immigration agents raid Ala. business in Miss. case - Jackson Clarion Ledger

Federal immigration agents raid Ala. business in Miss. case
Jackson Clarion Ledger
Whatever the case, Lemann said his client is being unfairly targeted and could face prison time if convicted even though no one went to prison after a different raid in Mississippi that turned out to be the largest workplace raid in US history. ...

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Anarchism and Ireland - Sydney Indymedia

Anarchism and Ireland
Sydney Indymedia
This basically means getting active in day to day struggles in your workplace and communities. There is no other way round it and history proves this. Firstly, we need widespread revolutionary consciousness. By this we mean a rejection of both the ...

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Heavy Rain Hurts Burmese in Southern Thailand - The Irrawaddy News Magazine

Heavy Rain Hurts Burmese in Southern Thailand
The Irrawaddy News Magazine
He said assistance to migrant workers from Burma, Laos and Cambodia has yet to be provided although rescue and relief efforts for tourists and local Thai people have been underway. “It has been about a week that we can't go out to sea for fishing. ...
'An Icon Is Just A Label'Radio Free Asia

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Kansas grocery store owner indicted on charge of knowingly hiring illegal ... - The Republic

Kansas grocery store owner indicted on charge of knowingly hiring illegal ... - The Republic


Kansas grocery store owner indicted on charge of knowingly hiring illegal ...
The Republic
A Wichita grocery store owner accused of trading cash for customers' food stamps saw his legal woes compounded this week when he was charged with knowingly hiring an illegal immigrant. An indictment made public Wednesday against Ahmed Ajami Al-Maleki, ...
Kansas grocery store owner indicted on charge of knowingly hiring illegal

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Poet plans launch party for new collection - Winston-Salem Journal

Poet plans launch party for new collection
Winston-Salem Journal
By ANDREA BRILL Drawing on an eclectic background — ranging from her humorous antics during an immigration raid to the sobering reality of an unfulfilled life — poet Terri Kirby Erickson captures the human experience in a way that is earnest and ...

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Anarchism and Ireland - Sydney Indymedia

Anarchism and Ireland - Sydney Indymedia

Anarchism and Ireland
Sydney Indymedia
This basically means getting active in day to day struggles in your workplace and communities. There is no other way round it and history proves this. Firstly, we need widespread revolutionary consciousness. By this we mean a rejection of both the ...

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3 accused of York-area baby food scam risk deportation -

3 accused of York-area baby food scam risk deportation -

3 accused of York-area baby food scam risk deportation
Three Chinese immigrants accused of using stolen credit-card numbers and fraudulent gift cards to buy more than $6000 worth of baby food from two York-area supermarkets have avoided prison sentences but still face possible deportation. ...

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Defense calling 6th witness in ex-CIA agent's case - The Seattle Times

Fox News

Defense calling 6th witness in ex-CIA agent's case
The Seattle Times
The defense for an ex-CIA agent accused of perjury and immigration fraud is calling witnesses to try to discredit testimony given for the prosecution. By WILL WEISSERT Associated Press The defense for an ex-CIA agent accused of perjury and immigration ...
Defense calling 6th witness in ex-CIA agent's caseNewsday (subscription)

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12 Indonesian women held in vice raid - Malay Mail

12 Indonesian women held in vice raid - Malay Mail

12 Indonesian women held in vice raid
Malay Mail
KLANG: An Immigration raid on a karaoke lounge here this morning saw 12 Indonesian women arrested in connection with alleged vice activities. The operation at Wisma AMI in Jalan Gambus 2, Taman Desawan was conducted by Immigration officers from ...

Anarchism and Ireland - Sydney Indymedia

Anarchism and Ireland
Sydney Indymedia
This basically means getting active in day to day struggles in your workplace and communities. There is no other way round it and history proves this. Firstly, we need widespread revolutionary consciousness. By this we mean a rejection of both the ...

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Senate Proposal Would Grant Driver's Licenses, State Jobs to Undocumented ... -


Senate Proposal Would Grant Driver's Licenses, State Jobs to Undocumented ...
A bill introduced in the Senate this week would extend a number of rights to certain undocumented immigrants in New York. Advocates say it's a human rights issue, while opponents worry about security. When disgraced former Gov. ...
Activists Say Dream Act and CIR Not DeadTechnorati
Advocates Hope To Revive DREAM Act On State LevelNY1
State-by-State Push for a Dream ActTapped (blog)
Fox News -Daily News Pulse -NYCity News Service
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Is Illegal Alien Quiz With 'Put Them to Death' Response Appropriate for 3rd ... - SodaHead News

Is Illegal Alien Quiz With 'Put Them to Death' Response Appropriate for 3rd ... - SodaHead News

SodaHead News

Is Illegal Alien Quiz With 'Put Them to Death' Response Appropriate for 3rd ...
SodaHead News
6: What does the US do with illegal aliens? A. The US puts them to work in the army. B. The US shoots them into outer space. D. The US sends them back where they came from. "In this case we believe that the material was not appropriate for the ...
Online publisher pulls assignment on immigration after outcryCNN International
Elementary School Students Asked “What is an Illegal Alien?” Parents Shocked.Hispanically Speaking News

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Confusion Over Policy on Married Gay Immigrants - New York Times

Fox News

Confusion Over Policy on Married Gay Immigrants
New York Times
By JULIA PRESTON An announcement by immigration officials in Washington on Monday that they were delaying decisions on some immigration cases involving gay couples led to a surge of expectations among gay advocates that the Obama administration had ...
Federal Immigration Office Puts Hold on Rejections of Same-Sex Couple ApplicationsFox News
Married Gay Immigrants Remain Ineligible For Citizenship, Obama Admin ClarifiesOn Top Magazine
Gay Marriages Will Be Temporarily Honored in Deportation Cases, USCIS SaysChristian Post
Metro Weekly -Richmond Times Dispatch -Gothamist
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Federal immigration agents raid Ala. business in Miss. case - Jackson Clarion Ledger

Federal immigration agents raid Ala. business in Miss. case
Jackson Clarion Ledger
Whatever the case, Lemann said his client is being unfairly targeted and could face prison time if convicted even though no one went to prison after a different raid in Mississippi that turned out to be the largest workplace raid in US history. ...

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Migrant Workers Given Improved Treatment as City Citizens - Anhui News

Migrant Workers Given Improved Treatment as City Citizens - Anhui News

Migrant Workers Given Improved Treatment as City Citizens
Anhui News
A set of preferential policies for migrant workers will be unveiled in next five years, in a bid to push fair treatment for farmers working in city and their offsprings, according to Anhui Human Resources and Social Security Department. ...
Hukou - longest stopgap policy in ChinaPeople's Daily Online

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Deportations on hold for foreigners in same-sex marriages - Washington Blade

Deportations on hold for foreigners in same-sex marriages - Washington Blade (blog)

Deportations on hold for foreigners in same-sex marriages
Washington Blade
An agency within the Department of Homeland Security has put on hold deportation cases for foreign nationals who are in same-sex marriages with American citizens and seeking green cards for US citizenship. In a statement, Chris Bentley, a spokesperson ...
Woman's deportation halted due to same-sex marriageSan Diego Union Tribune
US Immigration Judge Suspends Deportation of Gay SpouseVoice of America
DOMA: US Puts Hold On Same-Sex Married Binational Partner DeportationsThe New Civil Rights Movement
Gay City News -Just Out (blog) -CNN International
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Senate Proposal Would Grant Driver's Licenses, State Jobs to Undocumented ... -


Senate Proposal Would Grant Driver's Licenses, State Jobs to Undocumented ...
A bill introduced in the Senate this week would extend a number of rights to certain undocumented immigrants in New York. Advocates say it's a human rights issue, while opponents worry about security. When disgraced former Gov. ...
Activists Say Dream Act and CIR Not DeadTechnorati
Advocates Hope To Revive DREAM Act On State LevelNY1
State-by-State Push for a Dream ActTapped (blog)
Fox News -Daily News Pulse -NYCity News Service
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Texas Republicans Take Harder Line On Immigration - NPR

Texas Republicans Take Harder Line On Immigration - NPR

Texas Insider

Texas Republicans Take Harder Line On Immigration
In 2006, Houston was among many cities participating in the nationwide National Day of Action for Immigration Justice rallies. When George W. Bush was governor, he adopted a Hispanic-friendly strategy that helped propel him to the White ...
Alberto Gonzales, Former Attorney General to Speak on “Immigration & the Texas ...Texas Insider
How to Shrink Your BaseValley Advocate

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Back Mountain man faces persecution if deported to Pakistan - Citizens Voice

Citizens Voice

Back Mountain man faces persecution if deported to Pakistan
Citizens Voice
Ezad, of Lake Township, faces deportation to Pakistan for a 1995 drug deal in college. If a Lake Township man is deported to Pakistan for a 1995 drug deal in college, he will be persecuted under the country's strict blasphemy laws and be subjected to ...

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Stream of Consciousness: San Jose Earthquakes at FC Dallas - ESPN (blog)

Stream of Consciousness: San Jose Earthquakes at FC Dallas - ESPN (blog)

Stream of Consciousness: San Jose Earthquakes at FC Dallas
ESPN (blog)
Wait. Wait one minute. What did I miss? Where's Brek Shea? I he with the National Team? Did he get kidnapped by aliens? Swept up in an immigration raid? You know how those immigration folks always pick on blonde-haired blue-eyed Anglo types. ...

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Georgia Immigration Enforcement Bill Endorsed by President of Arizona Senate - Gwinnett Gazette

Georgia Immigration Enforcement Bill Endorsed by President of Arizona Senate
Gwinnett Gazette
Authored by Georgia Representative Matt Ramsey, Georgia legislation poised to reduce illegal alien population, protect jobs for real immigrants and citizens and greatly benefit public safety in Georgia and the nation, not to mention jobs for Americans ...
An Open Letter To Georgia House Speaker David Ralston On HB

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Push by states for migrant laws fades - Arizona Republic

Push by states for migrant laws fades
Arizona Republic
In the heated days that followed the enactment of Arizona's controversial Senate Bill 1070 last year, illegal-immigration foes predicted that other Republican-led legislatures around the country would quickly ...

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

When 'Secure Communities' Means 'Deportation': Orwell as Advisor to the President - Huffington Post

When 'Secure Communities' Means 'Deportation': Orwell as Advisor to the President - Huffington Post

When 'Secure Communities' Means 'Deportation': Orwell as Advisor to the President
Huffington Post
When President Obama visited my native country of El Salvador he spoke of legalization while back in the US Salvadorans like Maria Bolaños face deportation. Maria, like too many others, may be deported because of backward police work that booked her ...
Police, Legislators Speak Out Against Immigrant Deportation Program (VIDEO)Progress Illinois
Report: Non-criminals, minor violators make up the majority of those deported ...The Florida Independent

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Mexico Asks US To Stop Deporting Serious Criminals - The Moral Liberal

The Moral Liberal

Mexico Asks US To Stop Deporting Serious Criminals
The Moral Liberal
In a flabbergasting request, a coalition of Mexican lawmakers has asked the United States to stop deporting illegal immigrants who have been convicted of serious crimes in American courts. The preposterous demand was made at a recent southern ...

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Italy protests worsening North Africa migrant crisis - Reuters Africa

Kansas City Star

Italy protests worsening North Africa migrant crisis
Reuters Africa
In Lampedusa, the tiny island south of Sicily that has borne the brunt of the crisis, residents occupied the town hall and threatened to close off supplies and services unless thousands of illegal migrants were moved off in the next day. ...
Italians block port in protest over
Sicilian island overwhelmed by wave of boat migrantsIrish Times
North African migrants continue to pour into ItalyInternational Business Times
BBC News -euronews -AFP
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Controversial measures aren't getting attention - Herald and News

Controversial measures aren't getting attention - Herald and News

Controversial measures aren't getting attention
Herald and News
How is it "equitable" if an out-of-state citizen, legal immigrant or legal foreign student must pay $17600 more per year than an illegal alien? And, don't forget that for every illegal alien admitted to a college, an American student or legal resident ...

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When 'Secure Communities' Means 'Deportation': Orwell as Advisor to the President - Huffington Post

When 'Secure Communities' Means 'Deportation': Orwell as Advisor to the President
Huffington Post
When President Obama visited my native country of El Salvador he spoke of legalization while back in the US Salvadorans like Maria Bolaños face deportation. Maria, like too many others, may be deported because of backward police work that booked her ...
Police, Legislators Speak Out Against Immigrant Deportation Program (VIDEO)Progress Illinois
Report: Non-criminals, minor violators make up the majority of those deported ...The Florida Independent

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Baha'i Citizen Behzad Zabihi Arrested in Sari - Iran Press Watch

Baha'i Citizen Behzad Zabihi Arrested in Sari - Iran Press Watch

Iran Press Watch

Baha'i Citizen Behzad Zabihi Arrested in Sari
Iran Press Watch
The summons had taken place after the raid on his house and workplace by the security forces. According to the Human Rights House of Iran, 6 agents raided his house and confiscated his computer, books, CDs, and pictures related to the faith of Baha'i. ...

Jumping to conclusions - Janesville Gazette

Fox News

Jumping to conclusions
Janesville Gazette
They told him he would be deported. A spokesperson for CBP told The New York Times that the agency had offered Emily's father, Leonel Ruiz, who entered the US illegally in 1996, the opportunity to come pick the 4-year-old child up, but he declined and ...
"Deported" L.I. Girl to Return from GuatemalaNBC New York

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Documents Reveal Pressure to Comply With Program to Deport Immigrants - New York Times

Documents Reveal Pressure to Comply With Program to Deport Immigrants - New York Times

Documents Reveal Pressure to Comply With Program to Deport Immigrants
New York Times
Federal immigration officials, frustrated by the refusal of Chicago and Cook County to join a controversial program aimed at deporting immigrants with criminal records, pressed Mayor Richard M. Daley and Sheriff Tom Dart in an ...

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Editorial: Utah shows way on immigration - The News-Press

The Moral Liberal

Editorial: Utah shows way on immigration
The News-Press
The so-called "Utah Solution" includes enforcement and creates a state-based guest-worker program, one of the key components of comprehensive immigration reform. It honors family, the work ethic and the reality that many, many undocumented workers are ...
Four effects Arizona will have if it legalizes or deports illegal immigrantsHULIQ
Online readers chime in on immigrationStatesman Journal
Big Business Dictates Immigration Policy—At Workers' ExpenseHispanically Speaking News

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