Sunday, October 23, 2011

Regents backing educational path to citizenship for illegal immigrant students - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

Regents backing educational path to citizenship for illegal immigrant students - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

PW-Philadelphia Weekly (blog)

Regents backing educational path to citizenship for illegal immigrant students
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
ALBANY — The state Board of Regents has voted to urge Congress to pass the DREAM Act, legislation that would provide educational opportunities and a path to permanent legal status or citizenship for young undocumented immigrants raised in this country ...
Effort to overturn California Dream Act hits the streetsSacramento Bee (blog)
Albany Expected To Pass Agenda That Includes Dream ActGothamist
DREAM Activists Slam President Obama at Immigration RallyPW-Philadelphia Weekly (blog)
Temple News -Cal Coast News (press release)
all 20 news articles »


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